ADF proud to provide a ‘world class service’
Did you know that according to ADF’s NPS score, our customers believe we are providing them with a world class service?!
Net promoter score (NPS) is a market research metric that is based on a scale (ranging from 0-10) of how likely you are to recommend a brand to a friend or colleague (and the score ranges from -100 to +100). A score Above 0 is good; Above 20 is favourable; Above 50 is excellent; Above 80 is world class.
According to research, an NPS over 70 means their customers love them and the company is generating a lot of positive word-of-mouth from their referrals, which can lead to more leads and more revenue. Some examples of NPS Scores (as at Feb 2024 according to include: Apple: 48; Google: 45; Amazon: 49; ebay:-4. At 86, ADF’s score is OUTSTANDING! (NPS score report as at 27/03/2024)
ADF couldn’t have reached such an amazing score without everyone’s commitment, dedication and hard work in line with the ADF values – well done team ADF! #ambitious#driven#focused
Published on March 28th, 2024